Intercultural Development Inventory

Learn more and schedule your intake with Collaborate Consulting

About the Intercultural Development Inventory


The IDI is a scientifically validated assessment tool designed to measure an individual or group’s intercultural competence—the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities. It provides actionable insights that enable organizations to develop targeted strategies for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

The IDI is grounded in extensive research and has been rigorously tested to ensure reliability and validity. Time and time again, it has proven to be a neutral barometer of intercultural competence across country of origin, race, gender, class, ability, and more.

Collaborate Consulting is based in Portland, Oregon, and has worked with organizations in Washington, California, and Idaho, in addition to organizations across the country.


The IDI provides a rich and nuanced understanding of your team’s intercultural competence, identifying areas of strength and areas for growth.

Every person who completes the IDI assessment receives detailed reports and personalized development plans to drive meaningful DEI improvements. They complete a one-on-one debrief with a Qualified Administrator from Collaborate Consulting, focused specifically on their individual score.

Collaborate Consulting analyzes the group’s overall scores and provides team debriefs and follow-up sessions based on insights unique to your organization’s IDI results. The entire process is tailored to the culture and intercultural acumen measured by the IDI.

IDI debriefs and workshops can be completed online over Zoom, in person, or hybrid.


Unlike didactic workshops or trainings rooted in theory and history, the IDI is a neutral assessment of your organization’s current abilities and weaknesses, providing a unifying tool that brings people together for change rather than pitting individuals against each other.

This results in sustainable transformation that empowers organizations to implement long-term DEI strategies that lead to lasting organizational change and success. Organizations who have used the IDI also report better decision-making, as they have developed a culturally competent leadership team capable of making informed, inclusive decisions.

Transform your organization into a leader in diversity, equity, and inclusion with the Intercultural Development Inventory. Contact us today to learn more about how the IDI can drive your DEI initiatives and create a more inclusive, innovative, and successful organization.

What is an IDI Process Like?


After a brief introductory email or video, employees complete the IDI assessment online, which takes approximately 30 minutes. Our team tracks completion, performing all administrative tasks to ensure full participation from all staff and/or board members.


Our Qualified Administrators analyze and interpret individual and team results, preparing for individual debriefs and group sessions. Team results are used to create the content for the Group Debrief, which is tailored specifically to the unique scores of the entire staff and/or board.

Individual Debriefs

Each employee receives a one-on-one debrief with a Qualified Administrator. These debriefs provide comprehensive feedback on their individual report and include the development of personalized development plans.

Group Debrief

The entire group participates in a comprehensive overview of the collective intercultural competence, highlighting strengths and areas for growth. This interactive session fosters open dialogue, enabling participants to collaboratively develop strategies for enhancing cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in the workplace.

It will just take a moment to sign up for an intake with Collaborate Consulting!