Our Writing
Self-Advocacy Intervention Tool
There are times when you, as an ally, feel called to step in and intervene when you see an incident of racial bias. Here is a practical, evidence-based five-step tool for interrupting bias when you see it.
Pay Attention Now: a tool for honing your anti-racism lens
Often, if we find ourselves surrounded by like-minded people, we may not have many opportunities to interrupt racist attitudes or actions. It’s not like racism isn’t happening; we simply don’t see it because it’s not as overt. If you’re interested in honing your lens so you can pick up on more subtle forms of racism, this is a great tool to get you started!
Anti-Racist Parenting: An Example
I’ve been receiving lots of DM’s from parents who want to raise socially conscious kids but aren’t sure where to start. I thought I would film a little video of Hailey and I chatting about her opinion on parents sharing tough subjects with their kids.
Anti-Racism Intervention Tool
There are times when you, as an ally, feel called to step in and intervene when you see an incident of racial bias. Here is a practical, evidence-based five-step tool for interrupting bias when you see it.
The View from the Top: On gender and liberation
But recently, I was speaking with an acupuncturist-in-training and learned that “yin” and “yang” actually refer to the light side and the dark side of a mountain—and my mind exploded. With this new analogy came a new way of thinking about something that’s been marketed as binary for so long. If we saw gender not as two opposing forces, but rather as two sides of the same mountain, how might that change the journey of self we’re all on?
Stop Trying To "Get It Right": Cultivating humility as you become a trans ally
I train hundreds of people every year, covering many aspects of competency around transgender issues. I teach people how to use gender-neutral pronouns, how to make it right when they’ve made a mistake, how to create bias-free classrooms… and more. But one of the most common and hard to answer questions I get is this: How do I say the right thing all the time?
Beat back bullies with Respondology!
If you plan to take any public stance on social justice issues, trolls WILL find you. Their racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist diatribes will leak out all over your page. And when you leave them up, you are making the internet a more toxic place for people like me (and people like you!) who have to read it. I implore you— use a service to help clear your channels of these toxic messages.
A Little Off the Top
So after much hemming and hawing, I've decided to pursue top surgery. I have so many fears about it-- taking the time off work and burdening my coworkers with my slack, healing time and the way that will impact Biff and the kids, out of pocket costs and how our budget can sustain that hit. But this is my Year of Yes.
On Pronouns
When it comes to using the right pronouns, we want to be respectful and kind allies, but keep slipping up! We aren't sure how to handle hurting their feelings, using the right pronoun, apologizing, and making things right. The situation becomes awash in guilt, shame, self-flagellation, and judgment. Well, have no fear. This road has been tread before.
A pregnant man?! WTF?!
How does Trystan reconcile being a man with being pregnant? Watch our video update to find out!
Please, Take Your Kids to Pride
I often laugh with my friends because for years the media and politicians used the term “The Gay Agenda” to describe some big, scary set of goals that queer people wanted to push on everyone's children. But, it's true. We do have an agenda (at least I do). Only we're not trying to turn your kids into perverts... we're trying to turn them into compassionate, loving people.