Our Writing

Allyship Trystan Reese Allyship Trystan Reese

The View from the Top: On gender and liberation

But recently, I was speaking with an acupuncturist-in-training and learned that “yin” and “yang” actually refer to the light side and the dark side of a mountain—and my mind exploded. With this new analogy came a new way of thinking about something that’s been marketed as binary for so long. If we saw gender not as two opposing forces, but rather as two sides of the same mountain, how might that change the journey of self we’re all on? 

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Travel Trystan Reese Travel Trystan Reese

Into the Wild, pt. 2

The first couple of hours were tense. We both held tight to the other’s mistakes of recent weeks. The time he told me he wished Biff was his only dad. The time I told him he couldn’t have screen time because he pushed Hailey (I found out later that she lied about the pushing thing but was so mad about their bickering I said no screen time anyway)…

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Life Adventures, Parenthood, Travel Trystan Reese Life Adventures, Parenthood, Travel Trystan Reese

Into the Wild

I laid everything out the night before (Biff chuckling away in the kitchen watching me) and piled the heavy-ass packs into the car and set my alarm. “Tomorrow is backpacking, buddy! Go to sleep early because I’m gonna be waking you up at 6am!” He fell asleep with a giddy smile on his face, so stoked to be alone in the wilderness with just his dad…

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