How to Survive a Plague: Direct Action during the AIDS crisis

For most of us, COVID-19 is the first pandemic we’ve experienced. But for the LGBTQ community, a mysterious illness that sweeps the nation, taking the lives of friends and family, isn't new at all.

Join renowned educator Trystan Reese as he explores the untold story of the AIDS epidemic.

We’ll cover the following topics:

  • You'll learn about the first days of the crisis, gaining an understanding of how and why this horrible disease gained a fast foothold in gay communities across the globe.

  • You'll hear about the power and resilience of the people directly impacted by HIV/AIDS, as well as witness first-person accounts detailing the incredible allyship shown by people of faith, the drag community, lesbian women, and the many others who rallied to provide life-saving and palliative care at a time when so many systems were failing to support these dying people.

  • You will emerge from this session feeling empowered and ready to survive our current pandemic with the same grace and grit that the LGBTQ+ community showed during the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.


Gay and Grey: Supporting LGBTQ Elders


Allyship Intensive: Four-Part Series