Daring Greatly: Courage and Vulnerability in the Workplace

Digging into Dare to Lead together gives teams and organizations a shared language and understanding of what courage looks like within their organization, what gets in the way, and how to build specific courage skills. The Dare to Lead model brings the power of collective courage-building in teams and organizations who are willing to do brave work, have tough conversations, and show up with their whole hearts.

In this workshop, we will explore two of the four skill sets of Brene Brown’s daring leadership model (Collaborate will work with your team to determine the best skill sets for your team):

  • Rumbling with vulnerability: Learning to face risk, uncertainty, and tough conversations with courage, clarity, and empathy.

  • Living into our values: Identifying what we stand for and how to show up from a place of integrity every day.

  • BRAVING trust: Creating a culture of trust and safety where people feel seen, heard, and respected.

  • Learning to rise: Resiliency and the ability to bounce back from setbacks.

We will use a variety of exercises and activities to help participants develop these skills, including:

  • Vulnerability mapping: Identifying our strengths and vulnerabilities.

  • Values clarification: Exploring our core values and how they guide our leadership.

  • Resilience training: Learning how to bounce back from setbacks.

By the end of this interactive session, participants will have a deeper understanding of daring leadership and how to apply it in their own lives and careers. They will also have developed a community of support where they can practice these skills and learn from each other.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Define daring leadership and the skill sets that comprise it.

  • Identify their own strengths and vulnerabilities.

  • Clarify their core values and how they guide their leadership.

  • Build trust with others.

  • Develop resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks.

  • Apply the four skill sets of daring leadership in their own lives and careers.


The workshop will be facilitated by Trystan Reese, a certified Dare to Lead trainer.


Open Doors: LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the Workplace


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