Our Writing

@biffandi Trystan Reese @biffandi Trystan Reese

@biffandi Partnership: Betterhelp!

@biffandi is a high-engagement influencer brand, with a reach of nearly 100k across its social channels. Here’s just one example of a successful partnership between @biffandi and Betterhelp, in which we created a video that garnered over 200,000 views for the online therapy brand!

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Allyship, Antiracism, Coaching, Consulting Trystan Reese Allyship, Antiracism, Coaching, Consulting Trystan Reese

Pay Attention Now: a tool for honing your anti-racism lens

Often, if we find ourselves surrounded by like-minded people, we may not have many opportunities to interrupt racist attitudes or actions. It’s not like racism isn’t happening; we simply don’t see it because it’s not as overt. If you’re interested in honing your lens so you can pick up on more subtle forms of racism, this is a great tool to get you started!

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Parenthood Trystan Reese Parenthood Trystan Reese

Parenting During A Pandemic: online learning options

What a whirlwind these past few weeks have been. In our house, we’re hustling to find “the new normal” for all of us, which includes transitioning the big kids to homeschooling. Hailey especially has been missing the connection to other students and the intellectual stimulation of the classroom, which is why we’ve signed her up for iD Tech’s virtual tech camp!

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Allyship Trystan Reese Allyship Trystan Reese

The View from the Top: On gender and liberation

But recently, I was speaking with an acupuncturist-in-training and learned that “yin” and “yang” actually refer to the light side and the dark side of a mountain—and my mind exploded. With this new analogy came a new way of thinking about something that’s been marketed as binary for so long. If we saw gender not as two opposing forces, but rather as two sides of the same mountain, how might that change the journey of self we’re all on? 

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Travel Trystan Reese Travel Trystan Reese

From Parent To Baller: the 2019 Chevy Blazer takes us for a ride!

Before we became parents we were living in a super swanky apartment in Hollywood, California. We’d put on our trendy outfits, go out on cute dates followed by late-night drinks and dancing, only to return home and sleep until 1pm the next day. We’d awake looking young and refreshed. Having kids brought all of this to a grinding, abrupt halt.

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